Sunday, January 11, 2009

The phone rang this afternoon, the school number showing on the caller ID. I answered to hear the voice of my 7th grade language arts colleague asking if I had been listening to the radio. She then tells me one of our girls is missing, one of the ones I would so love to bring home and give a real family to, the one who cuts herself, the one who lives with grandparents who make it clear they are not keen on raising a second family. As the teacher runs down the story quickly for me, telling me of her search of the girl's locker, finding several notes with stray bits of info on them, and how the school counselor is involved, I panic, imagining the worst possible scenarios. The state police are looking for her, but there are no immediate answers.

Is she hitchhiking to mom who lives 1000+ miles away? Is she hiding out in town with some boy seeking comfort where she can find it?? Is she OK? Did a stranger grab her?

Just let her be OK... my heart cries out....


Anonymous said...

What happened? Please update.

cossondra said...

Sorry! I didn't even think about not having updated here!

My girl came back to school Monday, just wandering into 2nd hour, like nothing had happened. Apparently, she had been at "friends" and was fine.

Incidentally, she is now suspended for smoking and skipping yesterday. I wish there was a simple answer to save her before it is too late.