Monday, May 17, 2010

I love 7th grade camp, most of it, anyway.

I don't like the planning part, the making sure everything is ready part, the making sure we have everything we need part....

I love the excitement of the kids before we go. I love the excitement of the kids once we are there. I love being there with the kids in a different settings, learning about each other in an entirely new way.

I don't like the deciding who can and can't go, though the longer I do this job, the more I realize how important it truly is to leave behind those who will struggle there. I've come to realize the worth of the show of actions have consequences, sometimes, even months after the event. I've come to realize that the 'good' kids deserve things just theirs, without the difficulties associated with bringing 'everyone'.

I do feel badly for some of those left behind, the gray area kids, the ones who did something dumb, an isolated event, but still got their name on the dreaded list. I try to look at it as a learning experience for them, and often, their parents.

But the part I hate the MOST, the very VERY MOST???? The week of camp, those days at school before we leave.... the kids going are excited beyond belief. The kids not going are surly, rude, bristly. While I understand their disappointment and even anger, that does not excuse their disrespectfulness.

2 more days... 2 more days... then camp for 2 days!! YYYYIIIIPPPPEEEEE!!!!!!!

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